It's Off From Work I Go

Friday, January 06, 2006

Is rudeness ever acceptable? A lot of people say or do things in the heat of the moment because everything else fades out except their own interests, and then they expect that if they apologise for it later everything should be cool because, you know, heat of the moment. I like to think I have an even temper but I'm guilty of this a lot and the worst thing is, as I'm snapping at someone, I know I shouldn't be doing it and I know equally clearly that I will be forgiven because, you know, heat of the moment.

More on this later but I can finally leave work now so I'm outta here! 12 hours today, and I'm working at 6am on Sunday. The only bright spot in my career is the one day of leave I'm taking next Wednesday. This is nuts.

posted by zyn :: 10:21 PM :: 2 Comments :: permalink
