Can Die Lor

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's 4 am and I should be asleep but I've been such an idiot that I have to blog about it or I'll go crazy. So I grouped to do this quest that was really hard and we finished it in like 10 seconds and it would have given me almost 4000 xp but in a fit of clean-out-bag madness I accidentally destroyed the thing I was supposed to hand in to complete my quest! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I can't believe this moron is me!!! Fortunately it didn't keep me from levelling up but now I have to do it all over again!!! Cos it's not only xp rewards but I also get this really good hat and I don't have headgear now and my head is cold. At least I assume it is, cos where I am now is Duskwood, which is always dark and windy. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! And no one's online now AT ALL in Duskwood so I can't even do the quest again, I tried soloing twice already and died horrible deaths both times. And tomorrow is Tuesday so I can't do it then either!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

I have so much more to say on WoW because I get all these epiphanies about life while I'm playing but now I really have to go to sleep or the mobs at work will turn hostile tomorrow.

posted by zyn :: 3:58 AM :: 0 Comments :: permalink
