i blog more when i'm on late shift

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Today I found out that Nicky Wu got married in secret last year. I was devastated. How could he betray me and all his other fans like that, I ranted to everyone who would listen to me (there were surprisingly few of them). Pop stars should retain, while not their celibacy, their attainability - or at least the illusion of it, I argued. By getting hitched, they dash the dreams of all the girls out there who fantasise about meeting their idols on the street one day and being swept up in a whirlwind romance. Nevermore will it be possible for me to cross paths with Nicky Wu in a cosmic twist of love transcending barriers of age, distance, and - most importantly - language! The tragedy overwhelmed me.

Until the surprisingly few people with whom I discussed this furrowed their brows and said: But isn't he, like, really old now? To which my instant defensive response was: Nonsense! He's only...

And then I stopped and counted. Nicky Wu was born in 1970 (31 October, amazing how there are some things you never forget). That makes him... 37 freaking years old this year! The cherubic 26-year-old heartthrob I hoarded posters of as a besotted teenager has become, damnit, old.

I didn't google pictures of him. I don't want to know what he looks like now. Because in my eyes - and my loyal, deluded 14-year-old heart - he will always be the Nicky Wu I knew: 26, baby-faced and puppy-dog-eyed, charmingly off-key, riding a motorbike, able to do a push-up on one finger.

The first and only time I ever called in on a radio dedication show, I picked a Nicky Wu song. The first cassette tape I bought was a Nicky Wu tape. The only Cantonese album I ever owned was a Nicky Wu album. I still have the poster collection in a drawer somewhere.

My dearest Nicky Wu. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whoever your wife is - I hope you're truly happy.

posted by zyn :: 8:30 PM :: 10 Comments :: permalink
