how to be a good insurance agent

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Unfortunately I don't know anything about that. But, based on my maiden insurance buying experience today, I can tell you how to look like a good insurance agent, which is arguably more important.

1. Wear glasses
They make you look simultaneously intelligent and unsuperficial. No one likes a hiao insurance agent who may be more concerned about insuring his/her Prada bag than your life. Also, if you don't have glasses, you can't be straining your eyes that hard to read the fine print.

2. Blink a lot
While it's important to look smart, you shouldn't look too smart. People inherently distrust those smarter than them. You should look just smart enough to understand and anticipate all your clients' problems but not so smart that you can cheat their money without them knowing. Blinking a lot helps you look endearingly blur and earnest. Ain't no owl never cheated no one. (Four negatives = positive)

3. Pretend defection
Somewhere in the middle of your discussion, when your client asks about yet another product, do this. Look left, look right, lower your voice, lean forward confidentially, and say: "Don't say I say one ah, but that policy hor, actually quite expensive, not worth it. You want, I show you this one..."

Immediate confidence-winning trick. Totally worked on me today.

4. Carry a blah, outdated phone
And stick with the standard-issue ringtone, even if it's "BZZZ BZZZ Hello Moto!"

5. Say the most uncool things in conversation
Suggested topics: Work (how you work late and on weekends), your hobbies (fishing and making model kits, not clubbing and gambling), your long experience in the insurance industry (the only acceptable previous occupation is accountant), and the weather.

Today I buy insurance. I is all grow up now.

posted by zyn :: 10:53 PM :: 3 Comments :: permalink
