
Monday, May 08, 2006

Sober now.

Please, for heaven's sake and mine too, do not (1) mention my name on this blog; (2) refer to my job; (3) link to this blog using my name.

I've trawled through the posts and comments and deleted those that are potentially dangerous in terms of identification. I'm reluctant to take down my recent entries because I think one day I might like to look back on my younger days and laugh at my naivete.

Hopefully not from the inside of a prison cell. I'm hardly Michael Scofield.

Anyway what's up is up (and may have been cached) and perhaps there is such a thing as being over-paranoid.

In any case, will be lying low for the next few months, through circumstance more than anything else. All radical English-educated youths in Singapore, watch your backs and your blogs. There's already been too many murmurs of young opposition-supporters for comfort. The thing is, you don't even have to really be an opposition supporter (I'm not entirely sure I am) - you just have to be expressing some level of dissatisfaction with the current system (most of us are).

Just - be circumspect, I suppose. I won't stop blogging, and I don't suppose anyone else will either.

In other news, I just bought very pretty shoes. With ribbons and flowers and eyelets and all. Yay!

posted by zyn :: 6:41 PM :: 8 Comments :: permalink
