gettin' down wi' ma homies

Saturday, April 29, 2006

So I attended a political rally today. It was cool. I never knew so many people would bother to turn up for rallies and yell things and clap and boo and cheer. And apparently rallies also got difference one. The friend I went with originally wanted to attend another rally but I managed to persuade him to come along with me to this one, and in return now I have to attend his "preferred" rally. Thus we can conclude that people do care about Singapore politics. No apathetic youths here.

Even scarier, no apathetic old men. In the cab on the way to the rally today (I got in and said the road name and the cab driver said, "Oh, going to rally ah?" I said, "Yeah, how you know!"), I was treated to a 20-minute lecture on why the government sucks. I was also rapidly sized-up, thoroughly undermined and summarily dismissed:

60-year-old cabbie:
I tell you ah, gahmen now they all donch know how to do things. I not happy with Singgapore gahmen. I tell my chewren, if they want to work for gahmen, I will disown them!

Me, somewhat taken aback by cabbie's vehemence and the fact that he has taken both hands off the wheel and is gesticulating wildly:
(faintly) Wah. Really ah.

Yah really! I not joke, I tell you. I know all these scholars ah, they all no good one. Donch know anything!

Me, with a completely unexpected vague defensive stirring in my dinner-deprived belly:
Eh uncle, I scholar leh.

Cabbie, demonstrating rapid recovery and quick reflexes as he dodges two huge station wagons on either side:
Yah, but you right-hand scholar or left-hand scholar?

Har? Got right-hand and left-hand one ah?

Of course lah! Right-hand is one day will become Minister one. Left-hand is wun become Minister one. I think you left-hand lah.

Me, with an indignance that surprises me even now:
Aiyoh uncle, why you see me no up one!

I ask you, if you one day become Minister, you will go to rally meh? You will talk friend-friend with me meh? No lor! At this time you still sitting in office ah, I tell you!

Me, nothing to say:
Orh. Uh here stop can oredi lah.

For those who are interested, I will be spending the whole weekend talking like that. So fun!

posted by zyn :: 4:41 AM :: 7 Comments :: permalink
