for you

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

maybe we're all too old, too busy, too tired - too wise - to be playing games anymore. either you're with me, or you're not, and i'm really not in the mood to guess.

or maybe this is all projected. that's the spirit.

in any case, i'm happy for you. you've grown up, all big man now. and i mean that - if i smashed my car on the PIE you really would be the first person i'd call. i've been thinking about that and it hasn't changed although it's been some time since i've seen you. i promise to stop being patronising. well, i've promised for ages. but i think i'm getting better.

thanks for always being able to make me laugh no matter what, even in the middle of all the tears.

no regrets, dude. dude, no regrets.

(man i really want to rewatch dude, where's my car)

* * * * * *

on a much less maudlin and actually quite discordant note, check this out: parking idiots. it's genius!! but i must go and trawl through it first to make sure i'm not on the site. i quite a parking idiot. but at least i use mirrors and don't open door to check, hahaha.

posted by zyn :: 2:19 AM :: 0 Comments :: permalink
