april showers

Saturday, April 01, 2006

aiyah cham now everyone thinks i'm an attention-seeking blog whore. just to clarify, the previous post was emphatically not a (very transparent and not at all subtle and actually quite desperate) way to establish human connection. i was just trying to get hold of someone who (i thought) was ignoring me. he wasn't (i think) so it's all okay. well, i don't know if it's okay yet, but that's another story.

but thanks for all the blog love! :)) and check out tmw's papers! (heehee ok that's whoring.)

* * * * * *

it rained. i remember. diet coke and driving drunk and lying on the warm hood of a car.

i'm sorry for each of the stupid, selfish, hurtful things that i've done. i'm really quite an awful person, all things considered. i always think i'll start afresh, be a better person, do it right this time. but it's hard to escape our baser natures.

okay i won't generalise. it's just me.

anyway i think i've finally grown a conscience. to go with my newfound policy of honesty on request.

after all what is conscience but an unceasing consciousness that penetrates through the drunkest haze?

it's going to be a good day. i can feel it. :)

posted by zyn :: 12:17 PM :: 1 Comments :: permalink
