how concerned are sg bloggers about "dangerous discourse"?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

apparently, not very. in the last 24 hours:

"good old Straits Times, the most absorbent English newspaper in Singapore for bad puppies."

diary of a lucky singaporean:
"I'm glad the govt has decided to prosecute bloggers who express harmful political opinions, of course blogs like xiaxue which discuss which handphones to buy, and which restaurants to eat at are considered healthy."

"I will be thrown into a maximum-security prison for 5 years, then charged a certain amount of money that no ordinary person can hope to pay, and finally admitted into one of those government facilities in a personal room with soft walls if I just hold a political discussion on the internet."

a gecko's tale:
"like the many means of propagation used by plants, determined individuals will find ways to circumvent the law."

dog pundit:
"Singapore is a perfect fit for Xiaxue: both are little boogers afraid of their own self-importance."

"NOT talking about the elections is like having Diseased Uncle Ronnie over to tea and tactfully trying to ignore his bubbling pustules as they spit blobs of yellow goo into the pudding; it's simply, frankly, undeniably impossible to do with a straight face."

Amazing how many rancorous references there are to xiaxue. Me, I feel superior - I have achieved that ever-elusive goal of indifference.

Do you think posting random links constitutes "dangerous discourse"? Die.

posted by zyn :: 9:04 PM :: 2 Comments :: permalink
