The Harpy

Thursday, April 06, 2006

See, I'm not used to the idea of not getting what I want. I can count on one hand the number of times in my life I didn't get something I really wanted. Three of them I later realised were blessings in disguise because if I'd gotten them I would have been miserable; the last thing I knew was doomed from the start so I took what I could and it was lovely and I was grateful for it.

But now, this new thing, I really want. And a few things stand in my way, but nothing more so than this person I shall call the Harpy. Which is apt, because she preys on men. Haha. I think so anyway, although I'm sure lots of people will disagree and point to her innate talents and stuff. Which is backed up by the fact that she looks nothing like a Harpy. She's not very tall and I suppose - if you threatened to pull my toenails out and ban me from Furla shops around the world - you could say she looks kind of sweet. And also she has really bad dress sense, which used to mean more than it does now because everyone in Singapore dresses like crap anyway. And she has language skills that, while competent, are not illuminating. Which they should be, given her profession. Okay that's just my pet peeve. Humour me.

So anyway. I've decided that I need a new strategy. There's no point sitting around and waiting and hoping that the Harpy will suddenly burst an appendix or that people will miraculously realise that I am better than the Harpy. I have to prove myself.

But how???

I shall go think about it over banana milkshakes. In the meantime, on a completely unrelated note, I am now Corporal Zynfandel! Sergeant this weekend, Master Sergeant next weekend. I hope.

For certain interested readers - I only WoW on weekends now hor. Last night I went out to dinner. Tonight I going out to watch movie. Work-life balance! Plus I very energetic today. Hahaha.

For all other readers - just wanted to point out new links. Terence is right now my new favourite blogger, he never fails to crack me up. Terry has awesome English (one of the highest compliments I can pay someone) and cool photos. I finally changed Weili's link. This blog reminds me that life is precious; this one has made me cry twice. This is an old friend, newly rediscovered.

But the most amazing blog award has to go to malefactor, not only a crazy creative person but also a good friend, for which I am eternally grateful.

posted by zyn :: 10:50 AM :: 6 Comments :: permalink
