massive blood loss

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I pulled four teeth this morning and haven't stopped bleeding since. To her credit my dentist tried to warn me against extracting all four at one go - "We do two first and then two next week ok?", to which I replied "What?? You think I got so much time ah??"

So here I am, with four holes in my mouth, fainting cos I haven't eaten since dinner last night. Lucky it was a good one. If I die I don't want my last meal to have been chicken rice at the hawker centre across the road from my office. Or worse, McDonald's.

Uh oh I just got a very strange call. Have to go back office. Oh well. No rest for the bleeding.

Just wanted to add two things.

(1) After 20 years of giving naggy and often-unsolicited advice ("got headache? take panadol!"; "haven't eat lunch yet? want to die ah?"; "here, vitamin c - heard you cough 2 seconds ago") - it's nice to be on the receiving end for once. And of good advice, too. Any advice that allows me to eat chocolate is good advice.

(2) I haven't taken MC in at least six months. So of course the one day I take MC I get the call I've been waiting for. Good thing I haven't taken (that many) painkillers yet. Anyway it also shows that persistence pays off because I've been waiting for that call for almost a month. So this is to remind myself that no matter how unresponsive someone seems to be, if you try hard enough, they will one day return your calls.

Okay time's up gotta go.

posted by zyn :: 3:45 PM :: 4 Comments :: permalink
