wake me up when september ends

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

(Usual blog disclaimer: self-indulgent stream-of-consciousness entry)

I try not to blog about work, but lately I think I've been spending way too much time at the office. It's gotten to a point where my days blend into each other - I work on weekends so I have to play on weekdays; I go drinking on Friday nights so I leave my laptop at work and come into the office to pick it up on Saturdays; I've worked the last two Sundays so by the time Wednesday rolls around it feels like the weekend should follow immediately.

Now it's Tuesday (right?) and the only reason I know is because the WoW server is down. Haha. Not that I would have the energy to play; last night we ran Stratholme until 3am and I think that's my quota for the week. (Even though I'm very out of practice in runs and I really should play more.)

(I use too many parentheses.)

I shouldn't even have left work at 11pm today. I was going to leave at 10 to head home and sleep but a colleague needed help on his assignment so I stayed a while longer. I'm not complaining (I love helping people, it's an unexpected perk of wanting to be a know-it-all), but that's another example of why I'm spending more hours in the office than at home.

Usually I have more stamina than this. I think all the vices and late nights and gastric ulcers from dealing with PR people are starting to catch up with me. I don't get sick easily - must be the liberal doses of Vitamin C - but over the last two days I haven't been feeling very well. Must take more Vitamin C.

And then in September got another big event, which I'm actually quite looking forward to despite my whining because it sounds humongous and exciting (no cracks about US grads here, Zinne). I need a break before that though. Still have five days of leave to clear before the end of August. Maybe I should take the last week of August off to lie in bed and watch DVDs.

Speaking of Zinne, just now we were talking about the hikes in public transport fares, and she said: "How much does it cost to take a bus ah?"

To which I replied: "Har? How would I know?"

'Tis sad, our ignorances. But also kind of hilarious.

This is why I'd like, at some point, to move out and live in an HDB flat for a while. There's this huge gap in my knowledge about Singapore and my life is way too comfortable for me to understand a lot of the things I write about. It always makes me feel like a fraud.

Okay try to look on the bright side. (I don't believe in telling the truth, so this is as close to adopting a life philosophy as I get.)

Had a very good lunch today. Haven't had much time for contact lunches recently; must start again once J gets back. Meeting people is one of my favourite things about this job - you pick up all kinds of random trivia that can turn out to be very useful.

My sister is back in town so now I have another person to fetch me from the office when I call home, half-dead, for a lift at 11pm.

Caught up with Aaron over coffee, which was fun. I can't believe it's already been two years since we were interns together; now we're all jaded and shit and there's still five years left to go. Argh.

Okay bright side, bright side.

Life is good, I'm eating chicken soup, we're planning a major party, and I'm going to watch Grey's Anatomy.

That almost rhymes! Now if only I had more time. (Okay, I know, that was low. Hahahaha.)

* * * * * *

summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when september ends

-- wake me up when september ends, green day

posted by zyn :: 12:39 AM :: 8 Comments :: permalink
