beach bar, robertson quay

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Nothing beats the Monday blues like a night out with the alcoholics not-so-anonymous gang - the German chapter, no less. Minus one, ahem, nosebleeder. Freaking lamest excuse I've ever heard, babe. :) Hope you feel better.

People have been unhappy recently and this upsets me. Some, I think, have good reason, and in a bid to cheer them up I have done the only thing I know how to do. Others - just make me want to shake them and say stop being so damn fucking self-centered. But the thing about real, deep-seated debts is that they take more than a lifetime to be repaid and there is nothing in this world I can do or say about it that won't render me beneath well-deserved condemnation. Or maybe that's just good ol' Catholic guilt.

In the meantime: new stories to chase, lots of time to chase them in, and two whole days of leave next week. Life, just the way I like it - plenty of work and a happy little reward at the end.

Maybe the big picture is showing edges of decay, but my magnifying glass still lingers at a spot of vivid consummation.

September's almost over; my 4Q resolution is to blog more.

posted by zyn :: 2:39 AM :: 0 Comments :: permalink
