
Monday, December 04, 2006

I have lately been tormented by a pernicious predicament that has monopolised my mind and stolen my sleep. Until I find a satisfactory solution I suspect I shall dwell in distress and anguish in alliteration.

(And thumb my thesaurus.)

Behold, the burdensome brainteaser: Which cellphone should I buy?

The PDA phones are practical; the sliders, seductive. I am contemptuous of conventional candybars but James Bond's product placement of the Sony Ericsson M600 (white, of course) was singularly successful. Got stylus somemore. But no camera lah.

And, as I abandon all pretense at poetics, there's the whole problem of WiFi vs 3G vs HSwhateverA. Do I seriously need WiFi? I mean, I know it's free islandwide and all but how likely is it that I will be out one day wandering the streets, miles from any cybercafe, and suddenly immediately really need to check the Internet for something?

Also, there is a very big chance I will find myself completely incapable of using it anyway through sheer lack of geekiness.

So say I don't need WiFi. Do I need 3G? How if I one day go Japan or Korea and then have to rent icky handset that someone else has pressed to his or her sticky oily cheek? Eeeeeee. Okay need 3G. But then I have to make sure I go Japan or Korea, if not then wasted.

3G aside, what about camera? Given that my current (really, really, really awful substandard) phone has a really awful substandard camera that CANNOT LINK UP TO PC TO TRANSFER PHOTOS ARGH WTH, I feel I deserve at least a 2 megapixel camera on my phone. That's fair enough, right?

Other things I would like to have:

Actually what I would really love is a stylus. But I also want numerical keypad. Very few phones come with both (above-mentioned Sony Ericsson is one of them. But no camera lah).

But above all, I want a phone that looks good on me. At this juncture I must express indignation that so few phone shops have mirrors!! How are you expected to know whether you like a phone if you don't know what you look like carrying it?!

After spending two whole hours scouring Toa Payoh for the perfect phone today (hugs to Yen), I have narrowed down my options:

Phones that fit most of my criteria but that I do not look good with: Nokia N80, Nokia N73, Samsung D900, Dopod 818 (black version. Still trying to decide if pink version is too Barbie-does-tech).

Phones that I look good with but that don't fit enough criteria: Sony Ericsson M600, Sony Ericsson W850i, any Sony Ericsson that is white and not too big.

Phone that seems perfect but I don't know whether I look good with because I can't find it anywhere, bloody hell: O2 Stealth.

Phone that I may buy if I can bring myself to spend $1,000 on a phone: O2 XDA Atom Pure.

And that, in a Jurassic-size nutshell, is my phone problem. Clearly I need help.

posted by zyn :: 10:30 PM :: 0 Comments :: permalink
