
Thursday, November 09, 2006

I very seldom get sick, but whenever I do it always comes out of nowhere. Like right now, for instance, I don't know why I'm down with a cold. I haven't binged on alcohol in at least a week, or stayed out (that) late, or done anything remotely stressful or unhealthy. But all of a sudden, my nose started running yesterday and wouldn't stop.

If anything, I thought I'd get sick last week or the week before, when I was loading up on alcohol a few days in a row and then went off on my no-sleep trip to China and came back Sunday night and went to work the next day. But at that time it seemed no matter how little sleep I got or how much huang jiu I had, I was invincible. Like Dong Fang Bu Bai.

My theory is that all these virus-bacteria-infection thingies wait until you're complacent and then bam! they bring you down and laugh at your red nose and watery eyes. No, wait a minute, that's Mr VDB. :)

Anyway I have to go to work now and try to be productive. But I just want to say that I'm so glad the Democrats took back the House and, from the looks of it, the Senate. And I'm also glad that Spitzer is NY governor. And that Rumsfeld has been booted.

The other day I read this editorial in NYT and was struck by the fact that if you close your eyes - well, not literally, because then you can't read it, but you get what I mean - certain paragraphs are eerie echoes of Singapore politics. Like:

Republican leaders, particularly in the House, have developed toxic symptoms of an overconfident majority that has been too long in power. They methodically shut the opposition - and even the more moderate members of their own party - out of any role in the legislative process. Their only mission seems to be self-perpetuation.

Of course in Singapore this is status quo, but it's nice to know that people elsewhere in the world find it objectionable.

posted by zyn :: 2:16 PM :: 2 Comments :: permalink
