man/woman? does it matter?

Friday, July 20, 2007

This letter appeared in the ST Forum yesterday.

Please don't mistake her for a man

LAST weekend I was shouted at by a woman in the toilet at Parkway Parade. Then she went outside and told someone that there was a man inside. Later, it dawned on me that she thought I was a man dressed in female attire.

Having gone through menopause, I may look manly. Also, after my thyroid operation my voice became hoarse at times and I had to speak in a low tone.

I have been receiving disgusted stares and despising looks unless I go out with my daughter and granddaughter.

Clarifying that I am a woman each time makes me feel miserable and undignified. Is this fair?

Three things jumped out at me: One, the tenses, argh. Two, this is really the kind of story that needs a picture. Three - why on earth would someone write a letter to the national newspaper complaining that people think she's a tranny?

Sorry, there should be a Four: why the hell did we publish this??

(All was vindicated today when Shin Min and Wanbao did follow-up interviews with this (wo)man. I can't read Chinese, so unfortunately what transpired is still a mystery to me.)

But going back to the main point: what motivation could possibly be behind this letter? Is the writer trying to say that Singaporeans are incognizant of the differences between men and women? (But then she admits that she could resemble a man, at least superficially.) Is she pointing out her insecurities after menopause and her thyroid operation and hoping for feminine validation, maybe even a date? (Notice no men in her life.)

Or - and this is my preferred theory - is this all just a badly-masked plea for more tolerance of differences in the society? Could the writer be attempting to advocate acceptance of alternatives? (Whoa check out the assonance.) First comes kindness to trannys - what next? Gay marriage?

Okay I went to check out Wanbao and there's a photo of her, but only of her back. Still, she looks quite auntie. I don't see why anyone would think she's a guy.

Which brings me to the worst theory of all - is all this just a joke, to see if she could get ST Forum to publish her letter? If so, then we suck!

posted by zyn :: 6:34 PM :: 0 Comments :: permalink
