the light at the end
The last three weeks since I got back from Japan have been really stressful, and the worst part is I feel a lot of it was self-induced. Apart from the whole getting married buying house booking hotel ahhh which dress ahhhh etc, I had to deal with bizarre family meltdowns and full-time national day stories. Fortunately the bulk of the national day work is over, my family has gone back to normal (or so it seems), and for everything else, I have really good friends and an amazing fiance.
In fact, the highlights of my last few weeks have been realising anew what great friends I have - people who aren't afraid to tell me if they think I'm making a mistake and yet are willing to support me through my ultimate decision. And even above and beyond that, friends who don't even question, but trust that I know what I'm doing. Friends who are genuinely happy to help with whatever I may need, on whom I can truly rely. For that I am sincerely, humbly, eternally grateful.
Getting married has also opened up a whole new world, particularly on the bridal forums, where people seem to have invented their own language: "When is ur AD? Which BS u use? HTB say only MTM, no OTR. PG haben choose yet." OMGWTFBBQPOLARBEAR.
Ok hubby is looking over my shoulder. GTG. You snooze, you lose!!
posted by zyn ::
1:11 AM ::