super cool
Video of a ball being thrown back at a speed of 100 km/h from a truck moving at 100 km/h. My science knowledge in general is like complete crap, so I had no idea what was theoretically supposed to happen. Now it is etched in my mind forever. Physics rules!
Damn I'm so bad at it.
Credit: Darren, as usual.
Also worth a watch is this major ouch video about Paris Hilton going to jail. Which is, of course, totally yesterday's news, since she's out now.
For those of you with better things to do than watch it (like, say, eat a cottonbud):
Sarah Silverman (who looks really fat in that dress): In a couple of days, Paris Hilton is going to jail.
Paris Hilton in the audience: *attempt at a brave smile*
Rest of the audience: *catcalls and applause*
Sarah Silverman: Wow. Thank you. The judge says that it's going to be a no-frills thing, and that is ridiculous. She is totally going to get special treatment. As a matter of fact, I heard that in order to make her feel like, more comfortable in prison, the guards are going to paint the bars to look like penises.
Audience: *shocked laughter*
Sarah Silverman: I think it's wrong too. I just worry that she's going to break her teeth on those things.
Paris Hilton: *abandons all pretense, gives death glare*
posted by zyn ::
1:59 AM ::