wedding stuff

Monday, February 16, 2009

Perhaps I'm becoming bridezilla but I find that I don't really have anyone to obsess about my wedding with these days. My mum is still throwing fits over the no church thing, my fiance is, well, a guy, and my bridesmaids are all busier than me.

So I have decided that you, my probably-can-count-on-one-hand blog readers, will have to suffer.

First up: colour theme!!! This is a real headache. On the one hand I would love to have white and red, since it's national day and all, and it's striking, and the hotel has a lovely dramatic red theme. That also means I can have my dream bouquet of dark red roses and carnations or - *cross fingers* - calla lilies. But then it seems not very original, and also maybe a tad overkill to have so much of such a strong colour everywhere.

So then I was thinking white and a lighter colour. Orange, maybe? Yaoyao does like orange and it's quite unique. But orange is a hard colour to pull off for my poor bridesmaids, who will all have to wear orange dresses. Blue would be dreamy but Yaoyao doesn't like blue and apparently every bride and her mother goes for blue. Maybe yellow, it's bright and cheery and easier to handle in general. But imagining a yellow bouquet is very... *non-committal so-so noise*. Then there's Heffalump Purple, which can double with pink, and that could be quite cute. Hmmmm.

Ok colour aside, there's catering to consider. As the programme currently stands, albeit wobbling on shaky legs, we have to hold two wedding lunches-cum-tea-ceremonies, one at Yaoyao's place and one at mine. I'd love to get a caterer that has wedding-themed packages but the minimum is usually 100 people and we don't have that many guests for lunch. Yaoyao is dead set on a cheap caterer with a budget of $6 per head. Sigh. I suppose at a fairly reasonable $1k each lunch this is not really worth agonising over though.

Then there's photos. I don't think we can do table shots for all 40 tables, but then I feel like our guests will feel a bit cheated that there's no concrete product to take away from the wedding. Our hired photographer will probably focus on capturing "moments" and maybe we can squeeze in table shots if we're very very efficient. I wonder if our photographer will mind or if we should get a friend to take table shots - how hard can they be? Lol.

Aiyah I go think about this while I level to 80.

posted by zyn :: 11:21 PM :: 4 Comments :: permalink
