christmas spirit

Monday, December 11, 2006

With the special report over at last, I rewarded myself with a very good weekend. Yesterday we ran ZG and took down Venoxis with just 13 men, but we were defeated by Jeklik. We need more people lah. Any high-level character on Frostmourne looking for guild please contact us. Except mage, too many mages liao.

After dinner we did DM Tribute, although we inexplicably wiped twice. Then we sped through UD Strat in slightly over an hour, which is amazing. Next time we try 45 min Baron run. Yay!

I also respecced full Prot to get Devastate, which has now become the only reason to be a warrior. Now no one will be able to draw aggro from bosses away from me no more. Muhahahaha.

Today, sleep-deprived and determined to tear myself away from my WoW addiction, I went shopping. Well, not so much shopping as wandering around malls buying random things that caught my eye, which is even better and which I haven't had the time (or the patient company :p) to do for ages. Then I rewatched Casino Royale just to remind me why I'm buying the Sony Ericsson M600. It's awesome.

And now, after I've bored you all with my blow-by-blow account, I shall ice my cupcake of a weekend by going to bed with Neverwhere and my new stuffed kangaroo, which I have named Jay for obvious reasons. I'm not generally big on soft toys but this one is really cute. :)

posted by zyn :: 12:02 AM :: 2 Comments :: permalink
