mercury is in retrograde

Friday, June 29, 2007

So much to say I don't know where to start.

Maybe with this: when is it okay to reject a friend request on Facebook, or - worse - to block someone? Is it ever okay? I must say that when I add someone as a friend, it never occurs to me that they might not want to be my friend. And I would be absolutely insulted if someone rejected my friend request. But lately I've been thinking - why should I acknowledge someone as a friend on Facebook whom I seldom even speak to in real life?

It may not seem like a big deal to add friends, and indeed some people collect friends like my hunter collects light leather. But with something like Facebook, where you log in to see what your friends are doing... I really don't care about, and don't particularly want to see, the blow-by-blow updates on the lives of all these people I would barely call acquaintances.

Still, I don't think I would ever block someone. Or reject a friend request. Probably good to know for someone like I., who spent days being paranoid that someone had blocked him on Facebook ("Why on earth would anyone do that?" I asked. "How I know?" he whined. "Maybe you too fat," I said. Haha).

Except Z. If Z ever added me I would not only reject, I would block her, hack into her computer and delete her Facebook account.

* * * * * *

While I'm adding friends on one hand, I'm also losing them. Okay, that might be a tad melodramatic, seeing as they haven't died. Or, with the exception of one possibility, moved out of the country (yet). But it does feel that way, even though it hasn't quite sunk in. I suspect it will tomorrow or next week, and then perhaps again in a month's time.

And it just gets worse and worse. It's been pretty much one person a week for the last few weeks, but today's person - it's truly the end of an era. And it doesn't look like the next era is going to be an improvement, judging by the losses we're sustaining.

I feel a maudlin entry coming up soon but I'll save that for another time.

* * * * * *

Speaking of losses, I think I left my iPod on the plane. This is calamitous for several reasons. Not only am I extremely attached to my iPod, it also has a whole bunch of songs that Sports Boy put in which I don't have anywhere else. (Like the revelatory Disco 2000 - I'll never forget that night at Clarke Quay when the three of us were downing beers and trading favourite songs and the other two suddenly burst out into "De-bo-rah, De-bo-rah" and I was like, "Wtf?".) Now I will have to go buy all the CDs, damnit.

Also, without iPod, I cannot go gym. I will get fatter and fatter until one day I actually become fat. Then I cannot laugh at fat people anymore. :(

On the bright side - now I have a real reason to get a bigger iPod. My tiny little 1GB nano really wasn't enough. Should I get a 8GB nano or a real iPod? Hmmmm.

* * * * * *

All in all, it hasn't been a very good week. I lost money at mahjong again yesterday somemore. The reason is obvious: Mercury is in retrograde. Clearly I must stop playing mahjong until it comes out of retrograde (whatever that means).

I posited this theory to B., who immediately shut it down with ten thousand reasons why astrology is complete crap and people who believe in it are worse than crap. This soon escalated into a debate about whether it's even possible or meaningful to categorise personality types given human nature and its mutability, and then became too cheem for me to follow. Which often happens when I suspect I'm going to lose an argument. Of course I argued anyway, for the sake of arguing (B. tends to bring that out in me) and then went off to google scientific evidence to back myself up. So far I haven't found anything, except that I do like to daydream. Somehow I don't think that will be enough proof for B.

posted by zyn :: 12:12 AM :: 3 Comments :: permalink
