my latest cause

Friday, December 07, 2007

On Facebook (how many of my entries have been inspired by Facebook??) there is this application called Causes. I hate applications, so I haven't added it. But basically you add the application and then a little box appears on your profile to say what causes you stand for.

It's surprising what some people claim to stand for, given that they've never shown any evidence in real life of backing those causes. But, as a column in today's papers says, it's easy these days to say you support something - just click a button and soon everyone will know about it. Offline, some people talk nonstop about their so-called allegiances, as though volume and volubility alone were qualifications. Self-professed environmentalists who drive cars, animal rights supporters who eat burgers, gay rights supporters who say "that is so gay" and not about the latest Prada shoes - these people are all hypocrites.

The worst part is, not only do they boast incessantly of their heightened awareness of the state of the world, but they also insist on making other people feel bad about not supporting their causes like they have done; which, in substance, consists simply of joining the relevant Facebook group.

So for all those people who believe that clicking a button - or wearing a badge, or buying a bumper sticker, or just talking loudly over other people - gives you the right to sanctimoniousness, wake up and smell the dung that your stupid free range cow has just dumped all over the nice environmentally-unfriendly machinery. In other words, if you want to associate yourself firmly with a cause, make sure you're prepared to back your convictions with suitable actions.

If not I will join the anti-hypocrites group on Facebook and talk very loudly about how I hate hypocrites who talk loudly.

posted by zyn :: 9:09 PM :: 9 Comments :: permalink
