i blog more when i'm on late shift

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Today I found out that Nicky Wu got married in secret last year. I was devastated. How could he betray me and all his other fans like that, I ranted to everyone who would listen to me (there were surprisingly few of them). Pop stars should retain, while not their celibacy, their attainability - or at least the illusion of it, I argued. By getting hitched, they dash the dreams of all the girls out there who fantasise about meeting their idols on the street one day and being swept up in a whirlwind romance. Nevermore will it be possible for me to cross paths with Nicky Wu in a cosmic twist of love transcending barriers of age, distance, and - most importantly - language! The tragedy overwhelmed me.

Until the surprisingly few people with whom I discussed this furrowed their brows and said: But isn't he, like, really old now? To which my instant defensive response was: Nonsense! He's only...

And then I stopped and counted. Nicky Wu was born in 1970 (31 October, amazing how there are some things you never forget). That makes him... 37 freaking years old this year! The cherubic 26-year-old heartthrob I hoarded posters of as a besotted teenager has become, damnit, old.

I didn't google pictures of him. I don't want to know what he looks like now. Because in my eyes - and my loyal, deluded 14-year-old heart - he will always be the Nicky Wu I knew: 26, baby-faced and puppy-dog-eyed, charmingly off-key, riding a motorbike, able to do a push-up on one finger.

The first and only time I ever called in on a radio dedication show, I picked a Nicky Wu song. The first cassette tape I bought was a Nicky Wu tape. The only Cantonese album I ever owned was a Nicky Wu album. I still have the poster collection in a drawer somewhere.

My dearest Nicky Wu. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whoever your wife is - I hope you're truly happy.

posted by zyn :: 8:30 PM :: 10 Comments :: permalink


random ramblings of a long day

Is it a sign of age when every new person you meet reminds you of someone you know? There's this person in my office who rubs me the wrong way and for the longest time I couldn't figure out why, until I realised that this person really reminds me of someone I don't like.

I don't dislike many people. But the dislike that I have for, like, three people in this world, I find impossible to shake off.

* * * * * *

I think it's really stupid that all the craftable epic plate gear needs primal nether, which is bind on pickup. That means I can't go farm for it, I have to pay someone who has it and the gear recipe/plan thing. Totally brainless.

* * * * * *

I didn't pay much attention in most of my marketing classes back in business school, but one thing that really stuck with me is this: if a customer or client is unhappy, no matter what the reason, the first thing you do is apologise. This is the golden rule of Marketing 101.

And guess what, it works. I feel loads better.

* * * * * *

I really need: (1) to write more commentaries; (2) a holiday; (3) a pedicure; (4) to send TK his CDs!! (5) more sleep; (6) to change the design of this blog; (7) to spend some time with my family, whom I haven't seen for at least two weeks.

But most of all, I need to take the advice I so blithely dispense. And also to go to the gym!

* * * * * *


posted by zyn :: 3:03 AM :: 0 Comments :: permalink


what does it mean when you start posting lyrics?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I called you from the hotel phone
I haven't dialled this code before
I'm sleeping later and waking later
I'm eating less and thinking more
And how am I without you?
Am I more myself or less myself?
I feel younger, louder
Like I don't always connect
Like I don't ever connect

I'll put my suitcase here for now
I'll turn the TV to the bed
But if no one calls and I don't speak all day
Do I disappear?
And look at me without you
I'm quite proud of myself
I feel reckless, clumsy
Like I'm making a mistake
A really big mistake

I sold my epic druid staff for 2k gold and got a bunch of great gear drops over the weekend. Now all I need is Karazhan! (And Black Morass, to get my Timekeeper's Leggings.) Things are looking good.

posted by zyn :: 4:29 PM :: 1 Comments :: permalink


thank you

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A huge thank you and big hugs to everyone who came down last night. I hope you guys all had fun!! Thanks also for all the gifts and the drinks and THE CAKE... I remember all that but not how I got home, took a shower and had a conversation with Darren. Which probably explains why I woke up massively hungover.

For all those who helped in my unabashed display of narcissism yesterday, here are photos! If you look closely you can see me getting progressively drunker.

Think that will be my last birthday party ever... getting old liao. Haha.

posted by zyn :: 6:52 PM :: 5 Comments :: permalink


i have the power!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I don't dislike a lot of people, so I also don't want people to dislike me. But I think tomorrow I will make a whole bunch of enemies.

However, I have, in a day-long fit of rage, accomplished my one work goal for the year. And it's only March. Yay!

On a related note, when one day I am rich and famous and someone asks me what my biggest challenge was as a journalist, I will be forced to say - my byline pic.

Fortunately it is all good now.

So tired.

posted by zyn :: 10:29 PM :: 0 Comments :: permalink


saf kits (hmm how interesting)

I did a number of things today, but my most notable achievement was getting a bunch of free toys - some limited edition - from a local toy company that makes these really cool completely poseable action figures. So happy. I shall display them all nicely and wait for them to go up in price so I can sell on eBay. Haha.

And the company's chairman has this amazing toy collection that looks like a toy museum, is better stocked than any toy shop I've ever seen, and is probably worth millions of dollars. Sometimes I wish I had a collecting hobby. My Agatha Christie collection looks so pathetic in comparison. :(

Best of all, about half the people in this toy company play World of Warcraft! How awesome is that? Of course my assignment degenerated into "my warrior can out-tank your feral druid anytime"-type conversation, but that's only to be expected.

posted by zyn :: 2:04 AM :: 4 Comments :: permalink


how to be a good insurance agent

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Unfortunately I don't know anything about that. But, based on my maiden insurance buying experience today, I can tell you how to look like a good insurance agent, which is arguably more important.

1. Wear glasses
They make you look simultaneously intelligent and unsuperficial. No one likes a hiao insurance agent who may be more concerned about insuring his/her Prada bag than your life. Also, if you don't have glasses, you can't be straining your eyes that hard to read the fine print.

2. Blink a lot
While it's important to look smart, you shouldn't look too smart. People inherently distrust those smarter than them. You should look just smart enough to understand and anticipate all your clients' problems but not so smart that you can cheat their money without them knowing. Blinking a lot helps you look endearingly blur and earnest. Ain't no owl never cheated no one. (Four negatives = positive)

3. Pretend defection
Somewhere in the middle of your discussion, when your client asks about yet another product, do this. Look left, look right, lower your voice, lean forward confidentially, and say: "Don't say I say one ah, but that policy hor, actually quite expensive, not worth it. You want, I show you this one..."

Immediate confidence-winning trick. Totally worked on me today.

4. Carry a blah, outdated phone
And stick with the standard-issue ringtone, even if it's "BZZZ BZZZ Hello Moto!"

5. Say the most uncool things in conversation
Suggested topics: Work (how you work late and on weekends), your hobbies (fishing and making model kits, not clubbing and gambling), your long experience in the insurance industry (the only acceptable previous occupation is accountant), and the weather.

Today I buy insurance. I is all grow up now.

posted by zyn :: 10:53 PM :: 3 Comments :: permalink


copyright hell

Monday, March 12, 2007

So the Stanford people want to do this all-night treasure hunt/amazing race/road rally thing. Being a good friend, I am perfectly willing to participate. But I need a good team of people who have $25 each (yes the entry conditions are quite harsh).

If you're interested, see this quite amazing website: The Casino Royale Game (which probably violates all known copyright rules but is still awesome).

If you're really interested, click on Preview and solve the thingy.

If you're still interested, let me know!

posted by zyn :: 10:54 PM :: 1 Comments :: permalink


story of my life

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Just because something no longer surprises you doesn't mean you can't be continually disappointed by it.

posted by zyn :: 4:40 PM :: 3 Comments :: permalink


nothing is more tedious than the thoughts of someone else

It's 11.53pm on a Friday night. I'm sitting here thinking.

About intelligence, and how people always say it's not fair to discriminate based on intelligence because everyone's intelligent in their own way. I've never agreed (except out of politeness). It may be true that most people are good at something, or have some degree of expertise or talent in some area, but that's not the same as being really intelligent. You can always tell. It's kind of a combination of knowing a few things very well, and knowing a bit about a lot of other things, and being interested in everything else you don't know. This means you're able to talk about most things and are happy to learn about the rest and, really, what is intelligence if not the basis for good conversation?

About crushes, and how it's been ages since I've really had a good one. A heart-stopping, mind-numbing, dizzyingly good one. Not since college, I think. He's not counted, because it was more than a crush; and he's not counted either, because it was less than one. But this one that will go nowhere - this is a good one. I'm rather enjoying it, for as short as it may last.

About loyalty, and how you can rationalise everything but when it comes down to it you know clearly which side you stand on. And how sometimes it's a bitch.

About speakers, and how I bought kick-ass ones yesterday at Sim Lim after being physically unable to get into the IT show due to lack of carpark space. Massive Attack sounds so much better now. I'm also tempted to get the 22" Dell LCD. B. rightly pointed out that that would be a stupid decision, seeing that I just bought my 19" widescreen... but it's sooo pretty.

And finally about 300, and how we sat around today discussing whether Alexander the Great was a Greek (as usual A. was right and he was Macedonian), whether the Greeks and the Romans were the same (as usual B. said something intellectual here that I can't remember), and which historical figure was the one Brad Pitt played again? (as usual the bimbo prize goes to I.) Dying to watch it, even though A. O. Scott's review is probably much better.

Should I log in to WoW now? Haiz.

posted by zyn :: 12:26 PM :: 1 Comments :: permalink


so this is what a good day feels like

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

No boring assignments, no overnight-expert-type stories - just the one small story today but at least it was something I like. After pretty much two months of weary burned-out inertia, the ideas are slowly coming again - and with them the highs and the kicks.

It's Tuesday, so went for a wine-tasting thing at the new NTUC Building downtown. With Dom, who knows one of the shop's owners. Dom has all these interesting friends. Unfortunately it transpires that I've gone off wine somewhat! Tragedy. I still have a couple of promising reds at home, including one that, well, didn't quite live up to its promise. Or I suppose it did, in a way, seeing that it never promised anything at all.

My sister arrived home today from San Francisco. She's back for a week to interview for the Lee Kuan Yew scholarship. I have such damn high-flying siblings. Whom I will never understand. Both have secured university admissions I would have died for in their place, but apparently they are both reluctant to hand in their respective acceptances because they're holding out for better. Better! Young people these days, I tell you.

The impending reminder of my mortality has spurred me to buy insurance. I can't believe how complicated the whole thing is. By the end of the week I must at least upgrade my MediShield and get whole life, term life, critical illness and disability. So headache. But today I sent off requests for brochures to all the major insurers so I shall become overnight expert again soon. Much like how I learned all about the yen carry trade and margin calls and subprime loans yesterday! :)

To top everything off, the newest WoW patch has nerfed druids' tanking abilities and upped warriors'.

Now if only the damn server would go up so I can play.

posted by zyn :: 2:01 AM :: 2 Comments :: permalink


bad blood of eden

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Today's haul:

Counting Crows' Films About Ghosts - really just for Big Yellow Taxi
Snow Patrol's Eyes Open - really just for Chasing Cars
The Clash's London Calling - to be cool (30 years too late)
Tao Zhe's Tai Mei Li - inspired by today's karaoke, in which I was very guai and had honey lemon tea. Honey lemon tea, I tell you. First time ever that I've gone for karaoke and not had beer. Douglas are you reading this??

Btw if anyone knows where I can get a Chungking album, please let me know.

Also watched Dreamgirls today. Love love love "And I'm telling you I'm not leaving". (Fuck, I am such a fag hag.) Jennifer Hudson was amazing but you know who is even more amazing? JAKE GYLLENHAAL. There are no words. Watch it.

In other news, sigh. Why can't people just all get along? I don't understand the need for all this politicking. Then everyone unhappy. Sigh.

WoW pple: check out alltheway. Drooool. All I have right now is the necklace lol.

posted by zyn :: 4:31 AM :: 3 Comments :: permalink


maccallen 12 yr

Saturday, March 03, 2007

If I have one thing to be grateful for, it is that I have never lacked good conversation. Challenging, stimulating, amusing conversation. (Repartee is rarer and always highly valued.) Whether it's people I hang out with every day or friends I meet once every few months or new acquaintances I barely know, it's seldom that I'm bored in conversation or have nothing to talk about. Every week I find more people tuned into my frequency, which is awesome.

(Either that or I just walk away from the boring conversations I've had and promptly forget all about them. Contact lunches, for one.)

But it's been a long time since I've had a real heart-to-heart. And at the Cannery! My first visit! I am such a social noob.

* * * * * *

I closed my eyes for just a second and now it's March.

What a short, shifting winter.

Turns out not being drunk off your ass all the time doesn't mean you can't go through the days in a haze of work and play. I've been having trouble focusing for the past month, content to just drift along and zerg short blitzes of effort when needed.

Equilibrium, perhaps. But the rewards of equanimity ring facile and hollow.

Spring is already peeking its annoying perky head round the corner, and with it the familiar first stirrings of adrenaline and ideas.

It's time, then, to shake off the dust and start again, to learn again, to chase again.

It's time.

posted by zyn :: 3:17 AM :: 0 Comments :: permalink
