
Monday, January 15, 2007

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition - better known to those of us who did Psych 101 as DSM-IV - has seven criteria for what is called "substance dependence".

  1. Tolerance (increased amounts/reduced effects)
  2. Withdrawal syndrome
  3. Often using larger amounts or using for longer periods than intended
  4. A persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use
  5. Spending much time obtaining the substance
  6. Giving up or reducing important social, occupational or recreational activities because of substance use
  7. Continuing substance use despite knowing you have a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance

Almost all of them apply. Especially (6), especially today. I'm screwed.

On the bright side, despite my debilitating disease, I had an extremely productive day. I went to the gym, bought a CD at HMV, and - get this - braved the Sunday afternoon crowd at Ikea. It was deadly. People were walking around with curtain rods sticking out of their trolleys waiting to gouge the eyes out of unsuspecting victims like us. Also, and more alarmingly, I forgot what colour bookcase I was supposed to get to match the one I already have. Fortunately I had very good colour advice and very calming company with very accurate sense of direction. Haha.

One more day! So long, (real) life! 1 week leave ftw!

posted by zyn :: 1:43 AM :: 0 Comments :: permalink
